
We apologize if you are experiencing difficulty viewing our web site correctly. It is most likely due to changes implemented in the latest version of Internet Explorer Version 11, and can be easily corrected. The following adjustments will work on our web site and any other web sites you may be having problems viewing correctly.

You can adjust the viewing mode in IE V11 with one of two possible solutions.

1) Click on Tools option in the menu at the top, then click Compatibility View.

2) To make this adjustment for all web sites and pages, click Tools then Compatibility View Settings and place a check in the option Display All Web Sites in Compatibility Mode. This viewing mode is similar to what was used before IE11 viewing changes.

Please understand that while we have tested these options successfully, these options are only suggestions and made solely at your discretion and responsibility. You can reverse the options at any time.

Thanks for visiting our internet site.
The Collins Group
About Us
The Collins Group, Inc.
303 East Main Street, St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: 630.584.2500 Fax: 630.584.1020